I’m going to start this off by saying that Easter is my favorite season for candy.
Peeps, Jellybeans, chocolate. It’s all good.
At our local (in what would be our backyard if we were in a house instead of an apartment) grocery store, they had a big bin of discount Easter candy the week after Easter. I snagged a bag of 73 cent Jellybeans and promptly forgot about them in the cupboard.
The other day (whilst snacking on the couch) I cracked that sucker open.
And I’m now at that revolting part of the bag (that has been stored on the coffee table (re. trunk stuffed with beanie babies) for the last 4 days) where all the Jellybeans are just the orange or yellow ones. And I’m sad.
I HATE orange candy with a buning passion. It comes from needing to take copius amounts of Dramamine as a child to not end us vomiting all over the car on road trips. My mom thought that the orange chewable ones would be easier to take and they weren’t, they just put me off of orange candy for life.
I might eat some of the yellow ones, but I won’t enjoy it.
All of the orange ones are going to hubby, since he doesn’t associate orange with long trips in the car, and the faint smell of vomit.