I have decided to make 2010 my year. Not in a New Year’s resolution way (I don't like the idea on New Year’s resolutions, everyone always breaks them anyways) but in a I'm turning my life around, today is the first day of the rest of my life kind of way. So I’m figuring the best place to make a note of this is here in my blog. I mean at this point I am at zero hits so why not?
So I deleted all my other posts, and am starting fresh.
At this point I have no other intentions for this, mostly I want to be writing two or three times a week. Since this is something that I actually want to be doing as yenno, a grown up.
But here is a list of some of the things that I want to do this year.
-Keep paying off my credit cards. And then not max them back out.
-Lose enough weight to feel healthy and not self conscious in a bikini while on the big trip I'm taking with the fiancé in June.
-Actually learn more crochet than just like the 2 stitches that I know how to do.
-Stop spending money on things I don’t need. Especially when they aren’t on sale.
-Figure out something that I can actually do with my hair. Other than down and straight or ponytail.
-Take the year of French that I'm going to be take seriously. I think it would be good to learn a second language, even if I am being forced to do it.
-Appreciate the fiancé. He loves me.
-Worry less, smile more.
-Not letting the little things in, and being less tense, not always feeling like I need to be defensive all the time.
So overall I can feel that 2010 will be a good year for me. Because I’m not going to let everything bring me down and I’m not going to let the bad things in. I’m pretty excited, and you should be too.
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