Monday, December 20, 2010

Fall Semester Wrap Up

Friday wrapped up my first semester at SJSU, with a final at the ridiculous hour of 7:15 am. I got B range grades on all my papers, which leads me to believe that I could possibly get A’s next semester if I start early. So I’m planning on starting stuff earlier next term. We’ll see how that actually plays out though. I also hope that I feel this good about this past semester once grades are posted, hopefully I did well like I think I did, but you never know!
Our apartment is decorated for Christmas, and I caught my semi-annual holiday sickness. That’s right folks; I’m sick, just in time for Christmas! Pieter got told to stay home since I had a fever over the weekend, and we went to the doctor today which was a complete fiasco. My doctor, who I don’t really care for, was out today and the other doctor at her practice refused to see me. Ooooook. So after talking to the insurance company I called about six or seven other doctors who all wanted me to come in next week. I felt like I had strep throat, and I really wanted to get my throat looked at so we decided to go the acute care. Well my insurance won’t cover us unless it’s after 5pm, so Pieter’s mom suggested we go to her doctor, and he squeezed me in. And by God, that man gave me the roughest throat culture I’ve ever had in my life. A throat culture is not ever pleasant at best, but this was by far the most painful. I don’t know if it was because he’s a doctor and I’ve usually only had it done by nurses, but my throat actually hurt worse after and my eyes watered like crazy. I actually gagged after he walked out of the room, to give the thing to the nurse. It was the worst. But at least we found out that I have a crummy virus and not strep throat. Almost all of the spousal pity has dissipated once we were told that it’s a virus and not highly contagious and I just need to wait it out. The best part is that I don’t need to worry about getting the other people at work sick, since it’s a virus and I don’t go around coughing on people’s faces.
Keep your fingers crossed that I’m better by Christmas Eve!

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