Monday, October 17, 2011


Today I...
Woke up at 4:40 for work.
Got loads done at work, realized I love all my coworkers mucho, and that this might be my favorite job so far.
Went to barnes and noble when I was off.
Bought more books than I should of. Wondered if I will ever feel like I have enough books. I won't.
Bought a cute gift.
Thought about how happy reading makes me.
Resolved to read more.
Took a short nap.
Didn't clean the apartment.
Ate Japanese food for dinner with Pieter.
Bought Chompers new, big-girl food.
Started clicker training with Chompers. (Hope it works!)
Watched two movies.
Decided to read before bed (The Red Queen, by Phillipa Gregory if you're interested)

What did you do today?