Monday, January 30, 2012

Time for some pizzazz in our lives

I’m trying to be more crafty. I’m currently working on crocheting two different scarves, and am painting some framed mirrors that I want Pieter to hang on the wall.
On a side note, all of the walls in the apartment are blank. We’ve lived here for two years and we haven’t hung a stinking thing. (To be fair we did hang a bulletin board right when we moved in. But that. was it.)
I’m painting them a funky purple and since they are smallish we’re going to do three across the wall since it’s a smaller wall. If it turns out really well, I’ll post pictures. I chose purple not just because I love it, but because everything in the apartment is beige, and it needs some spice. Beige carpet, beige walls, light wood furniture. Since I don’t want us to live a beige life, I’m changing up the scheme of things.
We’ve been living in this 700 square foot apartment for two years. It’s time to turn it into a home.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh hey 2012

I can’t believe that it’s already 2012.
I’m not really the type of gal that likes to make resolutions, but I made the resolution to cook more in 2011, and I really stuck with it! So here is my list of resolutions for 2012!
-Save more money. Pieter said it himself, if we save enough money up, we can go somewhere fun this summer. Sounds like a challenge to me!
-Don’t procrastinate! Finish the things that I start in a timely fashion
-Read more
-Stop spending so much time doing nothing online
-Tidy the apartment a little bit every day, and try not to let the mess get so out of control
-Brush Chompers everyday so her fur stays untangled
-Be healthier. Not just ‘oh, this year I want to lose X amount of pounds’ but just eating healthier being more active kinds of things
-Do more activities on the weekend days that I have off, stop just doing just nothing on days off
-Keep cooking!
Hopefully I haven’t bitten off more than I can chew with my resolutions, but I think that I can do all these for a year if I stick to them.